Zenegra 100 mg (Sildenafil Generic Viagra)


Zenegra 100mg Online on Mygenmeds contains of Sildenafil viagra which is FDA-approved medication used to treat ED problems in men. Zenegra 100 MG Tablet contains Sildenafil. It is more commonly referred to in the form of the blue pill. It is a highly effective medication that is used to treat Erectile dysfunction (ED) in men.

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Brand Sildenafil Tablets
Manufacturers Alkem Laboratories Ltd (India)
Generic Name Sildenafil Citrate
Packaging 4 tablets in 1 strip
Delivery Time 10-20 Days

Available Pack Size For Zenegra 100



Zenegra 100mg is a supplement to Sildenafil that is part of a class of drugs known as the phosphodiesterase kind 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. It is prescribed to treat men of all ages suffering from Erectile dysfunction, which is often referred to as impotence.

It occurs when a man can’t achieve or maintain an erect penis that is hard and that is suitable for sexual activities. Erectile disorder (ED) is the inability of males to achieve and keep an erect penis with enough rigidity that allows sexual activity.

This medication works by helping to relax blood vessels in the penis which allows blood to flow into the penis once you’re sexually active.

Sildenafil is a drug that works by reducing PDE-5 and increasing NO activity within the penis. The mechanism that allows for the erection of the penis is through the release of Nitric oxide (NO) when sexual stimulation occurs.

Take this Zenegra 100mg as instructed by your physician. It is not recommended for children or women, and teens under 18 years of age.

Before you start taking this medication, inform your physician if you suffer from serious liver or heart problems or if you’ve recently suffered a stroke, heart attack, or suffer from lower blood pressure.

Let your doctor know whether you have these or other health issues prior to taking this medication.


Treats erectile dysfunction (ED)

How Does Zenegra 100 mg Work?

The medications are capable of providing the highest levels of intimacy for you by facilitating the proper flow of blood to your intimate area.

They accomplish this by slowing down the flow of blood through your system, thereby lower tension levels. In order to lower the blood pressure, the infusion of blood to the most remote part of your body is also feasible.

The presence of phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors can provide the highest levels of relaxation in relation to the circulation of blood through the private area of your body. That is the reason a high degree of an erection lasting is achievable.

Side effects

Minor and major adverse effects Zenegra 100 Tablet

  • Headache
  • Nosebleed
  • Indigestion
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Urine that is cloudy and bloody
  • Visual disturbances
  • Sensitivity to Nausea that is mild
  • Skin redness, especially on the neck and face

List of similar products

Zenegra 50mg

Zenegra Red 100 MG

Special population warnings


Zenegra 100 MG Tablet is not recommended for use by women.


Zenegra 100 MG Tablet is not recommended for use by women.

General caution


Zenegra 100 MG Tablet can cause mild, short-lasting hypertension (decreased blood pressure) due to its ability to relax the blood vessels. Be aware if you’re taking it with other medications to lower blood pressure.


Priapism is a painful erection lasting longer than four hours. Zenegra 100MG Tablet could cause priapism in certain people.

It can lead to damaged penile tissues along with permanent impairment of power if not addressed promptly. Utilize Zenegra 100mgTablet with caution under these situations.

Hearing loss

Zenegra 100 MG Tablet has been linked with sudden loss or reduction of hearing. It could be associated with the sensation of tinnitus (ringing of the ears) or dizziness due to the increased flow of blood to the ears could cause damage to the ears.

This tablet is not suggested for those who suffer from hearing loss. Get medical attention immediately when you notice any hearing loss following the use of this medication.

Females use

Zenegra 100 MG Tablet is not recommended for use by females.


Didn’t get Dose

Zenegra 100MG Tablet is taken as a single dose if needed, therefore the odds of not taking a dose are lower.


Do not exceed the recommended dose. If you’ve intentionally or unintentionally taken more than recommended amount of Zenegra 100 mg Tablet and you experience intense dizziness, fainting, or prolonged or painful erection. Consult your physician immediately to get further advice.


Inform your physician if you are currently taking or just recently consumed any of these medications such as those purchased without a prescription, or any of the following

    • Nitroglycerin
    • Amyl Nitride
    • Riociguat (used to treat hypertension in the pulmonary arterial system)
    • The Protease Inhibitors (used for treating HIV)
    • Alpha-blockers (terazosin hydrochloride)
    • Other medicines for erectile dysfunction


What is the time it takes to get Zenegra 100 mg tablet to function?

The time that Zenegra 100 Tablet needs to function varies from individual to person, however, it typically lasts between half an hour and an hour. However, it might take longer to begin working if you consume it after eating a substantial meal.

Can I buy Zenegra 100 Tablets without a prescription?

It is not necessary to have an appointment with a doctor to purchase Zenegra 100 Tablet since it’s a prescription drug. The doctor will only prescribe it when they think it is beneficial to you.

Can I use Zenegra 100 Tablet as many times as I’d like?

Do not use Zenegra 100 Tablet more than once per day. If you use more of the Zenegra 100 Tablet than the recommended dosage, you could experience an increase in the severity of side effects and their extent.

These adverse effects include headaches, flushing muscles pain, stomach upsets as well as allergic reactions, and changes like blurred vision.

Consult your physician If Zenegra 100 Tablet can not allow you to have an erection, or your erection doesn’t last long enough to have a full sexual experience.

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