Malegra FXT Plus (Sildenafil Citrate/Fluoxetine)

(2 customer reviews)


Malegra FXT Plus (Sildenafil Citrate/Fluoxetine) is a medication that contains both Sildenafil Citrate and Fluoxetine. Sildenafil is a drug that is used to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension. It is offered under the trade names Viagra and others.

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Brand Malegra FXT Plus
Manufacturers Sunrise Remedies Pvt Ltd
Generic Name Sildenafil Citrate/Fluoxetine
Packaging 10 Tablets In 1 Strip
Delivery Time 10-20 Days

Available Pack Size For


What is Malegra Fxt Plus?

With the passage of time and the development of the clinical exploration areas, the development of new salts is created to treat cases of erectile breakage. However, nothing could be as effective as Malegra FXT Plus.

Sildenafil has been used in a handful of products but medications such as Malgera FXT Plus and combining the effects with fluoxetine are achieving goals.

Malegra FXT Plus as well as research studies demonstrate the way in which this drug treats two sexual disorders that are commonly viewed by men suffering in the shape of sexual dysfunction or premature discharge.

What is the use of Malegra Fxt Plus?

The most current prescription can benefit men in many ways. Malegra Fxt Plus, In addition, treats a variety of issues all in one. The pill is effective in treating ED PE, ED, as well as PAH, or pneumonic blood vessel hypertension.

For ED, Malegra FXT Plus additionally restricts the use of a substance called PDE5. This causes the saving of the cycled substance GMP.

In addition, it dramatically increases the flow of blood to a male’s penis. It gives you a fantastic and firm erection. This is a good thing. Malegra Fxt Plus, in addition to dealing with your issue of not getting discharged on time.

It also manages pressure effectively. It reduces stress as well as PE problems. Males can enjoy a long-lasting and more effective sexual erection. Malegra Fxt Plus, in addition to repairing the PAH. It also increases the physical capacity of sick patients.

What is the process by which the Malegra FXT Plus pills perform?

If you have a history of circulatory strain or take alpha-blockers, it is best to stay away from these tablets.

Also, you’re not prepared to take any pills in case you’ve burned through nitrate medicines for respiratory failure or stroke over the coming months. Get more details about the issue so that you are able to consult your urologist on the ready.

Grapefruit juice should not be consumed while taking generic Viagra tablets since it can increase blood flow within your body. You may experience headaches and flushing when you’re drinking grapes.

How do I do Malegra FXT Plus?

The most popular form of Malegra is found in tablet forms Therefore, it is recommended to adhere to these dosages during affirmation.

Do your best to not scratch the tablet.

Be careful not to break the tablet into two pieces.

Try not to crush it into powder.

Drink a glass to drink this pill.

To avoid intravenous interaction, change the tablet to liquid courses of action.

What happens if I miss the dose or have an excessive amount of Malegra Plus?

Missed Dose

While you’re awaiting your excuse to take the drug and take it right away when you look at it. Assuming that it has an ideal possibility to proceed with a coordinated piece and the final piece could be missed.

This is the case for conditions such as pneumonic hypertension where the work is done. You might think that you need to take plenty. A professional should be able to tell right immediately.

If you notice the sign of excess then you might require fast medical attention as it could harm the penis.


Consuming a huge amount of regular Sildenafil can be extremely likely to produce delayed results.

It is possible to find the pills to produce the most effective results in your body by using the most effective dosages.

Other Dosage

Malegra Gold | Malegra Oral Jelly | Malegra 100 mg | Malegra 200 mg

What are the side negative effects of Malegra Fxt Plus?

  • Headache, Flushing
  • Red nose
  • Indigestion
  • Sleeplessness
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Abrupt vision loss
  • Vision shifts
  • You might faint
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Urine that is cloudy and bloody
  • Vision changes

What are the precautions and warnings of Malegra FXT Plus?

People with hypersensitive reactions need to be aware of this cause of vulnerability.

People who suffer from medical conditions like heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes should speak with their doctor before purchasing the medication on the internet.

This medication isn’t designed especially for children and women.

Do not consume malegra in conjunction with alcohol because it can lower the pulse to a painful degree.

Men who don’t have any erectile problems should not purchase the drug because they could create a .propensity to take the drug in order to achieve incontinence.

Malegra FXT Plus is the most effective treatment for erectile dysfunction in men. Consuming more than the recommended amount results in the development of toxic consequences for the consumer.

Do not take the medication that contains nitrate prescriptions for treating heart problems. Combining the two can have a detrimental effect on the heart.

Doing not eat a big meal prior to having a meal prior to malegra 25 to reduce fats in food could delay the ingestion of the medicine in the digestive tract, which results in a slow response.

What are the advantages of Malegra FXT Plus?

A lot of men around the world use Malegra to combat their sexual dysfunction, which is also known by the name Erectile Dysfunction. (Sildenafil Citrate) is fast-acting and, within 30 to 50 minutes of eating it, you will be able to achieve impressive muscular strength.

It is used all over the world and this information is intended for use in enlisted practices.

Why should you buy Malegra Fxt Plus from Mygenmeds?

  • Quality Assurance
  • Verified Medicine
  • 24×7 Customer service
  • Easy Cancellation Policy

What are the interactions between drugs of Malegra FXT Plus?

Certain conditions may interact with Malegra FXT. Inform your primary doctor or drug specialist to be aware of any health issues, especially in the event that any of the following concerns you:

If you’re using any remedy, prescription medication natural readiness, diet supplements

You are hypersensitive to food, drugs, or other substances

If you’ve got an unremarkable penis (e.g., Peyronie illness) or platelet problems, assuming that your background is marked by a high or low pulse or ulcers, draining issues, heart problems, or vein problems

In the event that you experience an event with breathing problems, stroke, or dangerous sporadic heartbeats that is, especially during the last one-half year.

Certain medications could be connected with Malegra FXT. Inform your doctor in the event that you are taking other medications, in particular, those that are accompanied by:

Alpha-blockers and hypertension medications such as nitrates or Nitroprusside due to extremely low pulse, dizziness, tipsiness, and blacking out can happen.

Azole antifungals and H2 adversaries, HIV protease inhibitors, macrolide anti-infection agents, and the opiate analgesics and Telithromycin could increase the risk of Malegra FXT’s unforeseen effects

Bosentan or Rifampin could reduce the effectiveness of Malegra FXT.

Storage Information

If you assume that no one is interested or cares, keep the medicine in a dry place away from youngsters and at room temperature. Always make sure to check the expiry date prior to taking the medication.


 Malegra Fxt Plus suggested for all males?

Malegra FXT Plus is suggested for the majority of men suffering from issues with Erectile Dysfunction. However, the drug is best taken with an interview with a doctor.

What is the frequency at which I will be allowed to take Malegra FXT Plus?

Malegra Fxt Plus should be taken one time in 24 hours. The effects last for four hours following the pill. If you take Malegra Fxt Plus after the primary portion could cause a worsening of the condition and will be considered to be excessive and could require medical assistance to recover from the effects.

What is the best way to use Fluoxetine along with alcohol?

Fluoxetine when consumed in conjunction with alcohol, does not increase the alcohol-related effects.

However, it can affect your coordination or judgment and cause you to be bleary-eyed. Talk to your physician about the use of alcohol while you take Fluoxetine.

Does Fluoxetine result in weight increase?

Weight gain is a sign of a variety of antidepressants, such as (Sildenafil Fluoxetine).

A review was published in 2014 by JAMA Psychiatry. JAMA Psychiatry observed that individuals who were taking Fluoxetine, as well as other SSRIs, gained between one and two pounds in a single year. Weight gain fluctuated depending on the SSRI used.

If you’re concerned about weight gain when you’re taking Malegra Plus consult your physician.

 Can Fluoxetine cause weight reduction?

Some clients have reported weight loss when using Fluoxetine More research is required to determine what (Sildenafil Fluoxetine) and different SSRIs can contribute to weight loss.

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2 reviews for Malegra FXT Plus (Sildenafil Citrate/Fluoxetine)

  1. Marie

    First experience with this type of product. I am very happy using your product. Its gives me perfect result. Good delivery, I received on time, no delays and package was clear. Good service

  2. Theresia

    Unbelievable results from your drug. I enjoyed your Malegra. Perfect delivery and excellent shipping. No side effects with product. Great experience

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