Filagra FXT

(2 customer reviews)


Filagra FXT plus Sildenafil Fluoxetine are exceptional remedies for men with sexual problems. The medication is available in a standard pill that should be swallowed whole without any breaking orbiting.

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Brand Sildenafil+Fluoxetine
Manufacturers Fortune Healthcare Pvt Ltd (India)
Generic Name Sildenafil/Fluoxetine
Packaging 10 tablets in 1 strip
Delivery Time 10-20 Days

Available Pack Size For


What is Filagra FXT?

Filagra FXT (Fluoxetine HCL) has been proven to be a revolutionary method for men to alleviate the symptoms that is Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation and Premature Ejaculation at the same time.

This issue can cause a variety of issues within the couple. It’s a tablet that is required to conquer all issues and enjoy an enjoyable, long-lasting, and healthy sex experience without penile issues.

Sildenafil Fluoxetine (Filagra FXT130 mg) can help men overcome the two conditions of ED and PE so that they can have fun being in love with their center without any penile problems. Dual-action is considered to be the most effective option for easing penile concerns.

The moderate use of the capsule allows you to achieve the highest satisfaction level. Sex can be exercised superbly and efficiently with the use of this drug It allows couples who are sexually stimulated to experience long-lasting pleasure without penile issues.

What is Fluoxetine performed?

Filagra FXT medicine is a fantastic double-formulated treatment that allows men to be sexually active and attain sexual power. The tablets are sold in pill form and must be consumed completely without breaking or crushing the tablets.

Fluoxetine is a component of the medicine that assists in improving the capacity of men to ejaculate and sildenafil citrate is an effective treatment for Erectile Dysfunction. The impotence of men can be decreased with this pill. It helps men to have sexual intimate relations without fear.

How do I take Filagra FXT?

Sildenafil Fluoxetine is best taken as a whole, without being broken into pieces, and should be consumed orally along together with water. It is suggested that you consume this tablet between 30 minutes to an hour prior to beginning your sexual activities.

This tablet should be taken prior to arousal in sexual senses. Consuming any kind of alcohol and hard drinks will reduce the efficacy of this tablet. If nitrates should avoid at all times.

It is recommended to eat just light-weight meals and food that have a low-fat content when on this drug. This is a prescription medication and you should use these only after you’ve spoken to a doctor, and he has been informed of your medical background.

 Tell your doctor if:

  • If you suffering from kidney, liver, or heart disease?
  • If you are Pregnant
  • Are you taking nitrates?

What are the possible side effects associated with Fluoxetine Sildenafil Citrate?

  • Headache, Flushing
  • Bloody nose
  • Indigestion
  • Sleepiness
  • Diarrhea, Dizziness
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Cloudy and bloody urine
  • The sensation is burning, tingling, and burning in the feet and arms
  • Vision changes

Sildenafil Fluoxetine Dosage

Incorrect Dose

Sildenafil Fluoxetine is used when it is needed, therefore the missed dose isn’t expected.


Contact your physician right away in the event of a suspected overdose. It is possible that you require medical attention if the dose is serious.

Warning and Precautions for The Tablet of Filagra FXT

  • Men with a history of heart disease, cardiovascular problems, and blood pressure issues or taking medication to treat any circumstances should not take this medication.
  • Sildenafil Fluoxetine the pill that is composed of it is not recommended for use in the case of liver or kidney problems or leukemia.
  • A high-powered Sildenafil Fluoxetine tablet may not be recommended for people who have an allergy to one element of the parent ingredient Sildenafil Fluoxetine in the medication.
  • The overdose of this powerful capsule isn’t safe and is best avoided. Dosing more than the recommended dosage can cause serious side effects or negative reactions that could require medical attention.


Filagra FXT Tablets 130 mg includes Sildenafil 100 mg and Fluoxetine 30 mg per tablet. When it can be purchased in various quality and substitutes available from all of the major online drug pharmacies, stores, and medical supply stores.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Keep it out of reach of children.
  • Check if you are experiencing any concerns regarding the dosage, timing, and the nature of the tablet.
  • Be careful about when the product expires.
  •  Make sure to use it prior to 30 minutes of food or drink.


Keep this medicine at a cool, dry temperature. The medicine should be stored between the temperatures of 15-25oC within the original packaging. While keeping this medication out of range of those over 65 years old and children as well as pets. Always monitor the expiration date of the medicine. Do not consume this medication in the event that it is no longer valid.

Others Pills


Do you think Filagra is a good choice for all males?

Filagra is a safe choice for the majority of men suffering from issues associated with Erectile Dysfunction. However, the medication needs to be administered under proper medical supervision. Filagra is not a drug for use by men.

How often can I take Filagra FXT?

Filagra FXT 130 mg is recommended to be taken once in 24 hours. The effects last for 4 hours following the pill. It is recommended to take Filagra right after taking the first dose could aggravate the condition. This is regarded as an overdose and could require medical assistance to recover from the reaction.

Can I take fluoxetine in conjunction with alcohol?

Fluoxetine taken in conjunction with alcohol doesn’t increase drinking alcohol’s effects; however, it can influence your judgment or coordination and cause dizziness. Consult your physician about the consumption of alcohol when you’re taking fluoxetine.

Does fluoxetine cause weight increase?

Weight gain is a side result of many antidepressants which include (Sildenafil Fluoxetine). In 2014, a study in JAMA Psychiatry found that people who took fluoxetine or other SSRIs experienced a gain of up to 2 pounds over one year. However, weight increase varied based on the SSRI that was used. If you’re worried about weight gain when you take Sildenafil Fluoxetine discuss it with your physician.

Does fluoxetine cause weight loss?

A few people have experienced weight reduction taking Fluoxetine More research is required to find out what (Sildenafil Fluoxetine) and other SSRIs could be a factor in weight fluctuations.


2 reviews for Filagra FXT

  1. Flora

    Thanks for the pill. Filagra FXT perfectly worked for me! I have found them very good value for money. Good service!

  2. Reedy

    Best products to me Filagra FXT. I’m very thank full this pharmacy site.

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